March 12th, 2024 

The Honorable Katie Hobbs 

Governor of the State of Arizona 

1700 W. Washington St. #230 

Phoenix, AZ. 85007 

Dear Governor Hobbs: 

Since your first day in office, your administration has taken bold and decisive action to address Arizona’s affordable housing crisis, a crisis that was handled with complete disregard by Governor Ducey and the Republican-led Legislature for years. Through last year’s State Budget victory of $150 million to Arizona’s Housing Trust Fund, thousands more working families facing eviction are able to receive housing support, the construction of affordable homes is increasing, and Arizona is finally on the path toward ensuring every Arizonan has an affordable place to call home. 

However, exclusionary zoning laws mandated by cities and other municipalities prevent Housing Trust Fund dollars from having the maximum impact for our communities. The People First Economy Coalition (PFE) strongly believes that we need a multiplicity of housing policy solutions to reach long-term stability for renters and create opportunities to build wealth through homeownership that is accessible and affordable for all. That is why today we are writing to urge you to sign HB2570 planning; home design; restrictions; prohibition- a bill that reforms racist exclusionary zoning requirements that have segregated neighborhoods, kept rent prices excessively high, and turned affordable homeownership into a luxury.

HB2570 would remove exclusionary requirements that many cities have put in place that require large, luxury houses on large lots, inherently preventing working class and even middle class families, especially Black and Latino families, from affording those neighborhoods. By legalizing smaller homes, with fewer frills, on smaller lots, the Arizona Starter Homes Act would expand housing stability and opportunity to communities who desperately need it. 

PFE is incredibly proud to have worked alongside your administration and Democrats in the Legislature over the past year to accomplish the most meaningful affordable housing investment in the  history of our great state. And, as you conveyed during your State of the State address, last year’s historic investment must be only the beginning. We look forward to continuing working with you on Arizona’s Housing Trust Fund and we hope you will further your commitment to ensuring affordable housing for all by signing HB2570 into law.

Thank you for your consideration and for your dedication to building an economy that puts People First.


Arizona Center for Empowerment

Living United for Change in Arizona

Fuerte Arts Movement

Arizona Dream Act Coalition

Rural Arizona Action 

Arizona Students’ Association

Arizona Poor People’s Campaign

Our Voice, Our Vote Arizona

Care in Action

ADRC Action

Arizona Democracy Resource Center

Arizona Asian American Native Hawaiian Pacific Islander for Equity

Rent is Too High Campaign

Chispa Arizona